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What is Bubble Soccer?

Bubble Soccer is a relatively new spin on one of the world's oldest games - Soccer. Originating form Europe, Bubble Soccer has been a world wide phenomenon. Essentially you are strapped into the core of an inflatable ball (circa 1500mm wide/tall). You then simply bump into opponents letting physics be fun again. 


Who Can Play Bubble Football?


This is one of those broad ranging activities - suited for most able bodied people. We suggest ages above 8 years old (mainly due to height and able to follow instructions) up to the active elderly. Results will vary, but its best to pair up similar skill / fitness and intent to challenge each other.


Can I Get Injured?

Considering the nature of the game - its relatively injury free when our guidelines are strictly followed and monitored. If you have had issues with ankles and knees, we suggest you take it easier. 

Why Billy and Cleo's Bubble Soccer?

You are 100% in control. We simply hire you the equipment to enjoy in your own environment. This is far more economical than an hourly rate in an entertainment area. You can also lend them out to generate an income for your sports club or school fete!​



We ask a 100% refundable deposit for the equipment you borrow. An inventory list and waiver will be signed when you collect.


How Long Will I Need Them For?


We lend for a minimum of 24 hours, giving ample time to collect and drop off the next day. The user of the ball will be quite exhausted generally after only a few minutes. After a short rest - they will be ready to go again. We suggest 10 minute quarters.

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